

What is a cleanse?

During a Rooted juice cleanse you’ll be consuming only raw, organic and living fruit and vegetable juices, as well nut mylk and superfood shots, for a period of 1-5 days. This gives your body the opportunity to shift into detox mode, ridding the body of built up toxins and focusing on recovery and repair.

Why cleanse?

Most of us don’t even realize how many toxins we encounter on a day-to-day basis. But when you step back and think about all the pesticides, additives, chemicals and artificial ingredients that are in the food we eat and water we drink, it can be pretty overwhelming. Even if you’re strict about drinking filtered water and eating organic produce, it’s pretty likely you’re still being exposed to toxins through the air you breath. Stress also creates toxins, something most of us feel weekly, if not daily! Toxic clutter builds up, clouding your body and mind, often leading to fatigue and poor digestion.

If I have a gluten allergy, can I cleanse?

Absolutely! We are gluten free. In fact, there is nothing added to our juice but juice! Absolutely NO additives and 100% vegan.

Do I need to check with a doctor first?

It’s important to realize that we are not doctors, and therefore any of our advice or recommendations should not be considered medical advice. We do not offer medically supervised cleanses, and if you’re currently on medication or have a health condition of any kind we advise you to consult a doctor before cleansing. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or under 18, you should not cleanse.

Is there more than one cleanse option?

Yes! We offer two different cleanse options, with one having slightly more fruit juices incorporated than the other. Our first cleanse is great for first timers, as well as those who are more physically active. Our second is great for juicing veterans or those who already eat a predominately organic, vegan diet

How far in advance should I order my cleanse?

To make sure we are able to provide fresh juices for the duration of your cleanse, we request 48 hours between placing and picking up cleanses. Cleanses that are 4+ days may be split into multiple pickups if needed. If you have additional questions or requests, please email us at and we’d be happy to assist with your cleanse!